Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy Easter!

We love eggs, and this year the easter bunny brought some for both of us - hooray!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Peace, Princess

We celebrated Christmas at my house, and I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins. As you can see, I am just as cool as they are - oh, and I'm a princess.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We have been very busy getting ready for Cristmas. We saw the Santa train come to town and helped put up all the decorations. Smiley our elf has been very busy this year, because he has a lot to report to the North Pole. Alison loves the song about wanting her two front teeth for Christmas!

Friday, October 31, 2014

I Carried a Watermelon

Man, this Halloween thing sure is cool! We put my car seat in the wagon and walked around the neighborhood so that Annika could run up to get candy. There were kids everywhere, and Gramma and Papa even came to join in the fun. Let's do this again next year!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Who Has a Bigger Smile?

There is nothing we live more than just hanging out together. Annika can always make Alison laugh, and that is probably because Alison watches everything that Annika does. Even though their personalities are so unique, they are already little buddies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Check Out my Chompers

Today was my first trip to the dentist - and I LOVED it!  They counted my teeth and gave me some yummy cotton candy flavored stuff in my mouth.  I brought my puppy, and he was also a very good patient.  I can't wait until we can go back in six months to see them again.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Alison's Baptism

Today all my family came over for my baptism.  They all ate breakfast and then we went to church together.  I laughed and smiled with the water was poured over my head - just like my big sister.  It tickled a little bit!