Sunday, April 24, 2011

My First Easter

We went to Oma's for dinner, and I hung out with my cousins.  Uncle Kevin snapped this picture of me.  I was checking out his glasses and listening to him telling stories.

I wore my pink ruffle outfit today for Easter, it is very girly and so cute - one of Grandma Rita's friends gave it to me at my baby shower.  I kicked my legs and waved my arms and tried to dance.  

I sat in Oma's bouncy seat while everyone ate Easter dinner.  It was fun to look around and watch everything.  I listened to them laughing and telling stories at the dinner table.  The food smelled so delicious it made me drool - next year maybe I can eat some!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Silly Rabbit...

I love watching the dancing Easter Bunny that Grandma Rita and Grandpa Randy sent me in the mail.  When you press his hand he dances and sings, and his ears even move - so much to look at, and he is so soft!

Porter is checking out the bunny, I think I might have even seen him dancing along!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

My First Visit to the Office

Today was so fun, I went with mom to her office and I met all the people she works with.  I recognized a lot of their voices from when I was in mommy's tummy - especially Angie and Jenny (because she is pretty loud!)  I stayed awake and kept my eyes open for as long as I could, but eventually I dozed off while Jenny was holding me.

I helped mom get ready, then she helped me!

When we got home, I sure was tired - that was a long day at work!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Porter's Inspection

Porter is sniffing me out, he is slowly becoming less scared of me.  He tends to hide out in the closet still if I am crying, but he does keep his eye on me, especially if someone new is holding me for the first time.  Pretty soon I'm going to be petting him - I keep trying, but I can't quite seem to get my hand to work that way.  My mom and dad said that my diapers are now starting to be a little stinky, so maybe Porter is just confirming?

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Dancing Shoes

I'm so excited that my yellow Mary Jane booties that my cousin Angela made me finally fit!  They keep my toes nice and warm, and they stay on my feet better than my socks - I always kick those off.  I'm ready to dance around in them - but first I just need to learn how to stand up...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Warmer Weather

Finally the weather warmed up enough to grill out.  Daddy was showing off his grill - of course I had to pretend that I was really impressed.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Monkeying" Around

On Saturday Bryan and Traci came over and brought me some new clothes - I love my new monkey shirt and the baby shirts from Jamaica, mon!  The timing was perfect, I needed some short sleeves for the warmer weather.  Now you can really call me Chimpy Junior!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Four Week Birthday

Today is my 4-week birthday, and I had my one-month check-up with Dr. DeGeus.  I now weigh 10 lbs 9.5 oz, I'm 21.5 inches long, and my head is 15 cm.  Boy am I growing!  I also received a shot, and let me tell you I did not like that one bit!  I hope I never have to have another one.  I cried more than I have ever cried in my whole life (all 4 weeks of it).  I think it made mommy cry too, but I don't know why - she didn't feel the excruciating pain of the needle.  I was hopping I would at least get a lollipop or something, but instead when we got home, I cuddled with daddy and watched the Masters.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My New Way to Get Around

Today I used my BabyBjorn carrier for the first time.  I absolutely loved it.  We might look a little funny, but we don't care.  After mom got it adjusted for my size, she put me in it, and I fell asleep in less than 3 minutes.  She was able to do laundry and put dinner in the oven, all while "holding" me!  Until I get bigger, I have to face this way, which is perfect since that is my favorite way to be held.  Thanks again, Aunt Sandy, for giving us this as a shower gift - we love it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday afternoon with Porter

I was entertaining my Mom, Dad and Oma today when my dog-brother Porter decided to play along. He is usually a little scared of me but today he laid right next to me to share in some attention. I think that he is a little jealous of me and is trying his hardest to copy my every move. Watch the video and see if you agree.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Daily Kicks

This morning I spent some time in the sunshine doing my exercises - I love to kick and wave my arms.  Mom said these silly striped pants are perfect for April Fool's Day - and I love wearing something other than pink for a change!  Then mom and I went for a walk, and my mom's friend from work came over to meet me and have lunch.  What a busy day!