Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

I wanted to join Mommy and Daddy on the deck for coffee on Memorial Day, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open!  I was resting up for a warm day, and I knew we were going to be busy later...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Baptism

Today was a very important day for me - it was my baptism.  I really enjoyed being the center of attention, and after the ceremony there was a big party just for me!
Aunt Kim and Uncle Kevin were there as my Godparents.  I missed Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Jason - my other set of Godparents - but they had a trip planned on the same weekend.

I thought the baptism was so fun - I kept laughing at the deacon's voice, and Mommy kept laughing at me!
At the party, everyone wanted to hold me and play with me, I loved it...

...But, then I got really tired, so I took a little nap right in the family room.  Hey, it's my party and I'll sleep if I want to!  Thank you to all my family and friends for a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I spent the morning laughing and smiling, and mommy took my picture.  I have so much to be happy about!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fresh Air... ahhh

Finally the weather is warming up a little bit so that we can spend some more time outside enjoying the fresh air.  Today Porter and I both had a little nap on the deck.  I even used my pacifier and enjoyed it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hey, wait a minute, why is there an elephant on my shirt?  And why is it in French?  Oh well, bon jour!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What a party!

We went all the way to Jacksonville again over the weekend so we could celebrate Aunt Stephanie's graduation from college; now she is going to be a teacher.  It was too bad that it was cold and rainy, so we couldn't have the party outside.  There were a lot of people, and there was music and dancing.  Some day I'll be able to dance with all those kids, it looked like a lot of fun!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Working in the Garden

This week mommy and I got a lot of flowers planted.  It was really warm out, so I took a nap or two in my stroller outside.  When I woke up, the flowers were all in the pots - like magic!  Now, we just have to wait for them to start growing...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bottles are Tricky

I have been practicing taking a bottle, I had no problem taking one from mommy - but that was it!  It is not easy, sort of like using chopsticks for the first time (or so I'm told). Daddy and Oma had both been trying to give it to me; I took the second half from Daddy last night, and today I took the whole thing from Oma.  They keep saying I'm going to need to learn so I can do it when Mommy goes back to work.  Back to work...what does that mean?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

We went to Oma's for a little while, now she has 3 daughters and 3 granddaughters.  Then we bought flowers and planted them outside.  Hopefully it doesn't freeze anymore this year!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Derby

Today we went to Arlington Racetrack for Grace's birthday and to watch the Kentucky Derby.  I wore the cute hat that grandma gave me, but when I saw Grace's I got a little bit sad, because hers was fancier - okay, maybe it was a little bit scary too.  I asked daddy to bet on the horse named Watch Me Go, but he didn't win.  There was also one named Pants on Fire!  Daddy almost won, but mommy said that is what always happens with him.  Better luck next time!

Friday, May 6, 2011

More Shots!?!

Today I had two shots - one in each leg.  They hurt really bad, so I cried and got a really red face.  The nurse gave me two purple bandaids.  You can see my battle wounds in the pictures my mom took.  Mom and Oma both said I was really brave, but next time I want to go out for ice cream after.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Funny Faces

I am slowly learning how to smile, and I've been practicing all my other facial expressions too.

 Silly Faces

I'm telling stories too!
We have been singing songs today, and we even sang some songs in Spanish for Cinco de Mayo.  I try to sing along with mommy - especially when she sings "Happy Girl" by Martina McBride!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fun at Home

I have so much fun hanging out in the sun room.  I love looking at the sky lights in the ceiling, and there are so many windows that I can look out to see the trees and the birds.  I can't wait for it to get a little bit warmer so that we can go out there and open all the windows; I'm even wearing flowers, just waiting for spring!

I played in my swing again today - just for a little while.  All day in the news they were talking about how the US finally got the terrorist Osama Bin Laden, but I would rather just look at my mobile.