Sunday, June 5, 2011


On Memorial Day, I had my first swimming experience.  I wore red, white and blue (of course), because my cute swim suit that the Wahlers gave me doesn't fit quite yet.  I love swimming, and I'm really good at kicking my legs, so it seems like it could be a natural fit for me. I took a nice nap on the porch, tried out my new shades and I even met Bert.


  1. That reminds me of the time when I was pregnant with your mommy and we would go swimming almost everyday at the Libertyville pool. Her two older sisters (your aunt Kim and aunt Emily)always came along and played with their friends at the pool. kusjes, Oma

  2. I will come and visit you very soon at Goddard School. I will probably ride my's just a short ride!! kusjes, Oma
