Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ice Cream Social

Tonight we went to an ice cream social at Goddard.  There was ice cream and music for dancing.  The sad part is that I cannot eat ice creat and I also can't dance.  I guess it is a good thing that I like to watch!  Too bad they didn't have popsicales at the party.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh Sophie

I have a new friend.  Her name is Sophie, and she is French.  I love to chew on her ears, and somtimes I just hug her and we cuddle with my blanket.  I am so lucky to have such good friends.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Heat Wave

Today it was way too hot to do anything outside, so I hung out with Angela, Aunt Emily, Oma and Mommy.  I showed everyone how I can roll over all by myself, and we watched the US vs. Japan women's soccer - too bad the US lost.  Angela took a bunch of really good pictures.  Daddy golfed (and shot a 78) - he is crazy to be out when there is 100 degree heat index!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

BBQ Blues

Today we went to my friend Emily's house for a barbeque; she and I go to school together.  I wore a blue and white dress, and daddy wore a blue shirt.  Mommy was going to wear blue too, but she thought it might be a little weird, so she changed.  It was really hot outside, but we had a lot of fun and ate some yummy food - or so I heard. 


Wait, so these are my feet?  And they are always there for me to play with?  Cool!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Power

This week I have been spending a lot of time at home.  After the big storms on Monday, my school did not have power.  So, Mommy and Daddy have been taking turns staying home.  Today I spent the whole day with Daddy; we went out for breakfast, went to the store, and spent a lot of time outside.  I love hanging out with him all day.  I even tried out my new seat - it makes it a lot easier to "pet" Porter... watch out, doggie!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yum, Yum, Yum!

I love eating food from a spoon!  Mommy made me avocado puree, and I really like it.  It is such a pretty color, and it feels funny on my tongue.  It is really messy and it ended up all over my face and my bib, but that's okay.  I have been watching Daddy and Mommy very closely while they eat for the past few weeks.  Now I can't wait to try more foods!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Go, Horses, Go!

Gramma and Grampa were here this weekend to visit.  We went to Arlington Racetrack to see the horses run.  It was a beautiful sunny day, but we found a nice place to "camp out" inside near the door.  I took a little snooze while we were there, and mommy took my picture right before I fell asleep.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feed Me!

This has been a really big week for me... I have started eating food!  I really like rice cereal, and I even like eating it from a spoon.  Mommy said she could tell that I was ready to start eating foods, because I have started to really like to watch her and daddy when they eat.  I am so happy to have my own food, and I feel like such a big girl!  Soon we'll try eating other kinds of food besides just rice - I can't wait!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Reverse Roll

Today I rolled over from my back to my tummy for the first time.  I was just trying to reach my new colorful toy, and all of a sudden I was on my tummy!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!

For the Fourth of July we went to the Wahlers' pool to go swimming.  I was finally able to wear my new swimsuit, and I even took a dip in the pool.  I sure love to swim!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Holiday Weekend

We went to Mommy's boss's house for a cookout today.  There were three other kids there, but I was the youngest.  There was a lot for me to look at and even some fun toys for me to play with.  Liz took a few pictures with her fancy camera.  By the end of the night, I was so tired!

Friday, July 1, 2011

4 Month Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor for my 4 month check-up.  I now weigh 13.7 pounds and I am 24 inches long, which puts me in the 50-75% percentile.  I had two more shots today, but I hardly cried at all.  I think I'm getting tougher.