Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Still Get My Kicks

I love my exer-saucer. You might remember how much I love to kick, and this is the perfect way for me to kick my legs while I'm almost standing up! There are so many things to do, I am very busy when I sit in it. It even says some words in Spanish! 

Oh, and look at me - I'm pretty much sitting up by myself.  Okay, not quite... but it won't be long!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Artist at Work

Today at school we did art.  It was so fun, and when Miss Lucy took my masterpiece away to let it dry, I started crying.  I really wanted to keep painting!  Mommy called me her little Picasso, but I don't know what that means.  I sure hope we do some more art next week.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Busy Bee

Mommy took a video of me while I was playing today.  I was very busy and while I was on my tummy I was testing out my vocal skills.

Now I Can See It All

I still love my carrier, and now I can face forward while I'm in it! The best part is that when I face forward I can almost chew on it a little bit. I want to put everything in my mouth, because it feels good on my gums. I don't have any teeth yet, buy Mommy keeps feeling around in my mouth - I think she is expecting to see something soon! This week was a busy one; Mommy was in New York for work, so Daddy and I hung out by ourselves for a couple of nights. We had a lot of fun together! The first night I kept looking around for Mommy, but I figured it out by day two. We sure did miss her, but Daddy kept saying he thinks that she missed us more. He's probably right.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Bears!

Today is my first Bears game - go Bears!  Mommy and Daddy watched them last year, but I never actually saw a game.  Friday was Bears day at school, so I had to support the team and wear blue and orange.  I sure hope they win today, because it is also my 6-month birthday today - boy oh boy, I'm getting old!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

It was chilly outside today, but we bundled up and went for a walk in the fresh air - perfect napping weather for me.  The neighbors were all outside enjoying the great weather too and we even saw 7 swans in the pond on our way home!  Since it is Labor Day, we are cooking dinner on the barbeque for mommy and daddy, and I think I will enjoy some of my delicious avocado puree.  Yum!  I sure love three day weekends.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Busy morning

This morning I went to Oma's house for a bagel and Mommy and Oma made a bunch of baby food for me - apples, avocado, zucchini - I can't wait to try it all!  While they were busy at work, I took a little nap under Aunt Marian's wood carving.  I think maybe she was watching over me.