Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Best Toys

I found this yellow string on my Crazy Legs toy, and I love it!  Because of this string, this is now clearly my favorite toy.  Oma tied a pink string on another toy, and I didn't know what to do - I was so excited.  So, I played with both of them at the same time...I had one for each hand!

Oh, and since I'm talking about my favorite "toys," look at these toes.  Aren't they great?  They are the best toy ever: I never drop them, they are always with me, sometimes they have things on top of them that I can pull off to play peek-a-boo (I think Mommy and Daddy call them "socks"?), and I have two sets of them. 


  1. Such a cutiepie. Just hold on to those cute little toes and Sofie too!! Luv you! Oma

  2. Better hold on tight because pretty soon they'll start walking:) Kusjes, Oma
