Friday, February 24, 2012

Book Worm

I love standing at this table watching the dog and banging away.  Sometimes my books are even on the shelf, so I can take them down and read them all by myself!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I wore pink and red for Valentine's Day.  When I came home, there was a little bee waiting for me - buzz buzz!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Monkeying Around

Today I wore my monkey ballerina outfit.  Mommy took a picture so she could show it to her friend who gave it to me.  Then, Miss Corine tried to get me to stand up so mommy could take a picture, but I did not want to stand up.  So I cried.

Stairway to Heaven?

This week I went all the way up the stairs all by myself!  It was a lot of work, but it was so worth it.  I saw mommy go up to get the bath ready for me, and I just followed her up.  I was on a mission, so I did it.  Luckily daddy was there to follow me, because it is a little tricky.  I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about needing to put up a gate now, but I'm not sure what that is all about - a gate for what?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Catching Some Zzzzz's

Today we ran some errands.  We went to Target, and I took a little snooze, because I wasn't quite feeling like myself.  I then found out that I had the beginning of another ear infection.  boo.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Laundry Day

I am really good at laundry - Daddy is teaching me really well! It's a good thing, because I get a lot of dirty clothes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Big Girl

Snacktime is so much fun when I have graham crackers.  They are so yummy!  I clap my hands and cheer while I eat them, because they make me so happy. 

I wore my new John Deere shirt that Daddy got for me at work - it is John Deere pink, because I am a John Deere Babe.