Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Overnight Stay

This weekend, Mommy, Daddy and I had a visit to the hospital.  I have RSV, which is a virus that impacts my lungs and breathing.  When we went to the doctor in the morning, he said my oxygen levels were borderline low, so we came here to Lake Forest Hospital.  Mommy and Daddy kept asking me if I remember this place from almost a year ago, but I don't know what they were talking about.

The nurse hooked my toe up to a monitor that would beep a lot when I moved, then they could see my heartbeat and my oxygen.  Every four hours, a respiratory specialist would come in and give me a nebulizer breathing treatment.  She was very nice, but I have to be honest - I don't love having a steaming mask on my face.

Overall, I had a lot of fun at the hospital.  I loved the bars on the crib, and it was so fun to play.  Mommy ordered me some yummy food - I had grilled cheese, yogurt, lots of graham crackers and applesauce.  All in all, not so bad for an overnight stay!

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