Sunday, April 29, 2012

Snoring away

This is my absolute favorite way to sleep, whether napping or overnight!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Working in the kitchen

I discovered a new drawer in the kitchen over the weekend. I have so much fun putting the wooden spoons in and out of the drawer and the box. This is a very important job, and it requires full concentration, so I didn't have time to stop and smile for a  photo. Porter tries to help, but really he doesn't know where things go like I do!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Today is Easter, and the Easter Bunny brought me a wonderful basket full of great stuff!  I don't know how he knows exactly what I need, but he brought me socks, new Robeez, toys for the bath, and even some animals on wheels.  Porter didn't get anything from the Easter Bunny, but that must be because he is a dog.  Instead, we were sure to get him in the background of some of the pictures.  We also took a picture with the big bunny that Oma's friend gave me last year - now I'm almost as big as the bunny!
We went for a nice long walk this afternoon, and I even pushed my car around on the deck for a little while.  Then we were off to Aunt Emily's where I devoured a delicious Easter dinner.  Yum!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Strut my Stuff

Man, this is fun - watch me go.  I've really been practicing this walking thing, and I think I'm getting pretty good!  The doggie better get out of my way, because I'm not very good at steering yet...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

No April Fools Here

What a fun weekend we had!  I met my new friend Jacob on Saturday, but I got really sad when Mommy held him - I just didn't want her to forget about me!  I practiced my talking and walking, I was shuffling all over the house.  My teeth are really coming in, so it makes it a lot easier to chew all the new foods I've been trying.
I think I'm ready to spend some more time in the Little Birds room at school.  The second week of transition must be easier than the first (for both me and Mommy!).