Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Spooks

This year Halloween was very fun, but it was also a little bit spooky!  We went to my favorite place – Mickey Finn’s – for dinner and all the servers were dressed up.  There was one man dressed like a devil, but I just called him “Marker Man” since he looked like he had red marker all over his face.  I told mommy and daddy that I did not like that Marker Man, and that he needed to wash his face.   Then, the trick-or-treaters came to our house on Sunday; to be honest, I was a bit confused about why all these kids were coming to our door in costumes asking for candy.  But, then I got into it when we went up and down the street in the wagon and I received my own candy!  What a great holiday, I wish we could do this every weekend!  I also dressed up at school and had a party with my whole class.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Kick that Ball

Gramma and Papa came to visit over the weekend, and we had a lot of fun.  I played soccer outside with them and I showed them how well I can kick the ball.  I think they are going to have to keep practicing so that can keep up with me!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cut Away

I have really been practicing cutting paper with my new scissors.  Can you see how good I am getting!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Time

I sure love the Fall – the weather is changing (I do not need my sunscreen or my water shoes any more) and the leaves are changing.  I have been a really big helper when it comes to raking the leaves with Daddy, I love to use the rake that the Uptons gave me. We went to a fall fest with a band - and they dedicated one of their country songs to me, the little lady in pink.  I was really dancing when they played "Rock me Mama".