Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ringing in the New Year

Happy New Year!  We went out for pizza, and there was a special balloon drop for New Year's Eve.  It was awesome.  I had Ginger Ale (my first time drinking something bubbly) and I wore a fun hat.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My New Hair 'do

Mommy took me to get my hair cut today, and it was pretty exciting.  I picked out a Dora video to watch, and then I sat on Mommy's lap in the big chair in front of the mirror.  We both put on a big cape, and then the lady cut my hair.  It didn't hurt at all!  After we were all done, I picked out a candy and a toy - and I was even able to bring home a balloon.  The best part was that Porter got his hair cut just a couple days before me, so we both looked really cute.