Sunday, October 30, 2011


Even though tomorrow is Halloween, today was trick-or-treating in Gurnee. Those kids who came to our door dressed up were so funny, I could not stop laughing at them! Some of them even had paint on their faces, and one was dressed like a dog. I even got to see my cousin Angela.
I put on my peacock costume so the other kids could see me when they came to the door. Some day I will be the one ringing the doorbell!

School Days

Today daddy got me ready for school, because mommy had an early meeting down town. I sure thought it was funny. Then daddy went for coffee before he went to work, he likes dropping me off, because Dunkin Donuts is right next to school!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sitting High in my Chair

I really enjoyed sitting in my high chair this morning.  It is from Aunt Kim, and it is the same one that my cousins Brian and Megan used.  I like banging on the tray with my toys.  I wonder if they ever did that?  The two links below show me banging away!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

So sleepy

Oma came to visit me at school, and I was sleeping when she got there. I was out like a light! It was such a chilly and dreary day, so I wore a very comfy and cozy outfit.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Best Toys

I found this yellow string on my Crazy Legs toy, and I love it!  Because of this string, this is now clearly my favorite toy.  Oma tied a pink string on another toy, and I didn't know what to do - I was so excited.  So, I played with both of them at the same time...I had one for each hand!

Oh, and since I'm talking about my favorite "toys," look at these toes.  Aren't they great?  They are the best toy ever: I never drop them, they are always with me, sometimes they have things on top of them that I can pull off to play peek-a-boo (I think Mommy and Daddy call them "socks"?), and I have two sets of them. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wild Hair

My hair is getting longer!  I can't wait until I have enough for pigtails.  Until then, I guess I have to entertain Mommy and Daddy by making it stand straight up sometimes - they just thought it was so funny when I woke up from a nap with bed-head.