Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stomp, Stomp

We went shopping today, and I got my first pair of real shoes.  They are brown with pink - my favorite colors!  I can't wait to wear them to school and show all my friends.  I'm going to be able to play so much better on the playground and as I'm transitioning into my new classroom.  Watch out big kids, here I come!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Full Bloom

Look at those beautiful pear trees in full bloom - and it is only March 25!  We are having a such a great spring thanks to these record-warm temperatures.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Love the Park

My second time in a swing was even more fun!  I went really high, I think I touched the sky!  I put my toes in the sand, but I'm not so sure I like it.  I stood on one foot for as long as I could so that I wouldn't have to feel so much sand, but then after about five minutes I was really tired of standing on one foot.  Luckily Mommy picked me up and put me back in the swing, and the wind blew some of that yucky sand off my toes.  Then we went for a nice long walk, and I took a nap in the sunshine.  What a perfect Sunday afternoon!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I ate some delicious scrambled eggs for breakfast - they were so good, I was kicking my feet (I'm happy the eggs were not green...)!  Today was also my first time in a swing.  We walked to the park and saw so many people outside, since the weather was beautiful.  This is a record-setting warm March for Chicago, and we are enjoying every minute!  Then we went out to dinner, and I ate a LOT.  I'm not sure if you can tell, but my belly was FULL!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fire Up The Grill

First time grilling in 2012 - and it is March 13.  Mommy wanted to show how much bigger I am than last year when Daddy and I were grilling.  I brought my radio for some tunes, and daddy and I even are dressed the same, maybe this is a grilling uniform or something?  Anyway, dinner was great.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's My Party...

Turning one is so much fun, I love it!  I had the best party ever.  I had a brand new party dress to wear, but then I couldn't crawl in it, so I had to change into my cupcake shirt.  I woke up from my nap, and the house was filled with people.  It took me a little while to get used to it, but once I did, I was ready to party!  I was trying to put up one finger when people asked me how old I am, but sometimes it is really hard. 
I even had my own mini birthday cake; I tried a little bit of it, but it was much more fun to play with than to eat - it was sort of like the finger paints at school.  So, I just made a beautiful creation on the tray of my high chair.  I sure hope someone got a picture of it.  Then I opened some great presents and played with them for a little while before I was completely exhausted.  By the end of the party, Porter and I were both pooped!

Thanks, Angela, for taking such great pictures - I love looking back at them later and remembering how much fun I had!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Bit Sick

This RSV thing really knocked me out - I tried to keep playing, but it just made me so tired!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Overnight Stay

This weekend, Mommy, Daddy and I had a visit to the hospital.  I have RSV, which is a virus that impacts my lungs and breathing.  When we went to the doctor in the morning, he said my oxygen levels were borderline low, so we came here to Lake Forest Hospital.  Mommy and Daddy kept asking me if I remember this place from almost a year ago, but I don't know what they were talking about.

The nurse hooked my toe up to a monitor that would beep a lot when I moved, then they could see my heartbeat and my oxygen.  Every four hours, a respiratory specialist would come in and give me a nebulizer breathing treatment.  She was very nice, but I have to be honest - I don't love having a steaming mask on my face.

Overall, I had a lot of fun at the hospital.  I loved the bars on the crib, and it was so fun to play.  Mommy ordered me some yummy food - I had grilled cheese, yogurt, lots of graham crackers and applesauce.  All in all, not so bad for an overnight stay!